Texts and Animated Texts

A useful tool to convey extra information, use texts to say what your movie alone cannot and make the most of these simple features.

To add texts to your scene, select the Text tool and choose normal text or animated text. Press (T) for normal text or (X) for animated text and then click on the canvas where you want it to be.

Adjust Text by using the editing panel above the canvas. You can change the Text name here; click the drop-down next to it to change the text box size, location and rotation. Click the paintbrush icon to change the style and colour of the text box and also enable text-to-speech. Double click the text box to edit its content.

To edit an Animated text click on the ABC icon to open the Text Animation options box. Here you can change the text animation and edit your text. Unlike normal Text you cannot edit animated text by double-clicking on the animated text box in the Design view, but the style and colour can be edited just as normal Text.

You can edit the duration your texts are visible and their transitions in and out of the movie in your timeline.